
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chad and Pigs

Chad's love affair with all things swine has been well-documented on this blog.

Here, here and here for reference.

I don't mean just eating it - though he is no doubt a fan of that. But whenever we see a pig ANYWHERE - on a TV commercial, as a stuffed animal, etc., Chad is always drawn toward it.

So when I came across this Hammered Iron Patio Pig Bench on Plow and Hearth, I had this overwhelming desire to want to buy it for the porkchop in my life.

So I sent him an email saying: "Why do I want to buy you this?!"

His immediate (less than 10 second later) respond: "That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Since Chad's 30th birthday party is going to be (appropriately) a big pig pickin', I've been looking for weeks for inspiration. Unfortunately, most of the "pig parties" I've seen online are geared toward 5-year-olds... and while Chad does often act like a kindergartner, I was hoping for something a littttttttle more upscale. I guess as "upscale" as you get with pigs.

So if anyone has any great ideas for me, please let me know!

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