If you've used a great yellow paint before, leave me a comment with the brand and color name. For now, here are some samples that I might look into. I'll obviously buy a few sample cans and test some areas just to see how it shows up with the lighting.
But here are some options.
Sherwin Williams Butter Up:

Valspar Carolina Inn Yellow:

Benjamin Moore Concord Ivory:

Restoration Hardware Butter:

I won't put this to a vote - since they'll obviously look different on the walls than on a computer. Right now I'm leaning to RH's Butter. But feel free to share your two cents. And again - I welcome suggestions!
I like the first or last option. We painted our dining area/hall yellow in our old house and it was a disaster - I don't remember the name but it was definitely more of a lemon yellow. But we still managed to sell the house without having to repaint it haha! No worries; the shades you're picking look safe.