But alas, I've stayed true to my BlackBerry.
Mainly for two reasons.
1) BlackBerry Messenger beats text messaging hands down. In fact, I almost get angry when I'm forced to text a non-BB user. Ugh. Get with the program. And no, your iPhone Ping doesn't count. Sorry.
2) BrickFreakingBreaker.

My last high score - which would have continued to grow even higher if my phone didn't shut off accidentally and erase my game was:
Beat the game 54 times in a row.
Had 167 lives and counting.
And my total points were more than 996,000.
I think the Brickbreaker gods knew my intention of purposely losing all my lives once I passed the 1 million mark - so it decided to revolt against me and delete my game.
This has happened to me a few times before - once when I had beaten the game about 24 times in a row, and the other after like 12. Since I have decided I'm destined to never submit my high score and make others feel terrible about how the suck at Brickbreaker compared to me, I decided I would never play Brickbreaker again.
I lasted about four minutes.
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