I am blessed to have pretty good genes when it comes to my skin. 99.9% of the time, my complexion is pretty flawless.
Don't hate. Trust me I have plenty of other things that aren't so wonderful. Let me have my skin.
So I really love skincare. I wash and moisturize twice a day. I use toner once a day. I use anti-wrinkle serum around my eyes daily. I do a refining mask or microdermabrasion once a week. It's my thing.
However, for some reason - literally for the first time in my life - my skin has been rebelling against me. I'm not handling it well. Whining and crying to Chad about how horrible my skin looks - to which he gives me the look that shows when he has a face swollen the size of a basketball he could really care less about how my "skin looks." And I feel a little guilty - because it's not really bad... it's just a few little bumps here and there. Regardless, I ain't happy about it.
So when my lover Amy over at Little Fish.Big Pond. said she was about to start using Origins Checks and Balances frothy face wash because she heard such great things about it, I figured "why not."
So I bought myself two 5 oz bottles of it.
And I'm torn. I obvi want it to work really well so my skin can go back to being madly in love with me. But I'm afraid if I decide it's the best thing since sliced Great Harvest Bread Company's japeleno cheese bread, than my grandmother - Ms. Mary Kay herself - will disown me.
My gma has been with Mary Kay for more 30 years, and she's some national senior sales director of the world. The woman has won her share of pink cadillacs - yes they exsist, and yes she's won them... more than once. Her basement studio - Mary Kay pink of course - is like something out of a little girl's dream.
Here is just one of her MK closets.

So you get the pic. My gma wants all her decendants to wear MK, but sometimes I feel guilty calling being like - yo gma, can you please send me some more full coverage foundation, sunny spice blush and some timewise mostiurizer pronto? Especially since she refuses our money for it. So when that happens, I usually just buy some other brands which I'll not name because I'm afraid if my gma sees this she'll drive down from Annapolis, smack me upside my head, and then drive back.
So I try to keep these devil brands away from her watchful eye when we visit. Unforunately, I almost got caught a couple years ago. We were up for Christmas I believe, and I left my make-up bag there on accident. My gma calls my mom to say, "I think one of the girls left their make-up bags here- but it must have been Molly since there wasn't much Mary Kay in there." Even though my mom knew it was mine, she understood the dilhema and quickly said, "Oh yes, it was Molly's. Just mail it here."
Note: I already apologized to Mol for throwing her under the bus... but I can't get on gma's bad side. She understood.
So that said - I'm giving Origins a try to woo me. If anything, I'll just see if this face wash can get me past the horrible time in the life of my skin, and then I'll return to my gma's good graces in earnest.
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