What does baking day entail, say you?
About 50 sticks of butter.
About 4 dozen eggs.
A big hoking amount of flour and sugar...and spice... and everything nice.
Vanilla and almond extract.
And a variety of chocolates, nuts and dried fruit.
A KitchenAid mixer. (this year I'm considering bringing mine and then we can have deuling KitchenAids.)
Christmas music.
Wine. And not for cooking.
About a billion pots, pans, sheets and tins.
At least one freak out in which we say "Why did we say we'd make all this?!?!"
And Kevin for unwrapping Hersey Kisses. It's his job every year.
And what are we baking this year?

And this:


And this.

Oh, and this.


And probably this too:

And we'll make my absolute favorite Italian walnut cookies that I've never seen anyone else make other than my mom and grandma. And every year my mom says she refuses to make them again next year because they are so time intensive and you work for hours and only have this teeny tiny tray of cookies to show for it. But they are our favorite and she'll end up making them anyway. BTW - There are no pictures of this cookies because they are really that elusive. Sorry. They will just have an air of mystique on this blog.
So that will be my weekend. I will try to chronicle the end result with pictures. But that will require me to remember to bring my camera - and I make no promises.
PS: Sorry for making you hungry. Here's to hoping you find an old piece of chocolate in the back of your desk that will get you through the morning!
Yumm - tomorrow is my baking day too and I'm planning on adding the Christmassy Chocolate Bark to my list. I polished off the bag you gave me and must have more :) Happy baking day!