So without further adieu - I present to you:

Here are a few of her best one-liners:
First week of school in the cafeteria, she turns to see lines of trash and recycling bins and says, "Oh snap! Look at all them blue trash cans!"
In the same moment, she turned to her neighbor and taught her something she had seen on TV. Moving her hands up in down she would say "Say what, say what! F-f-f-f-f-f-fresh!" over and over until the other little girl finally got the hang of it.
Amanda also gives us plenty of stories from the home front. A funny recent one happened one day when we read a book that included a character who snored. We made the snoring noise together and talked about snoring for a few minutes. Then Amanda laughed and said, "My daddy be doin' that when he be drinkin' beer."
And this is one of the best, most recent Amanda day in circle time she announces with a smile: "Me and my brother was jumpin' on the bed and he knocked the bacon right outta my head!"
Until next time... :)
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