But I'll do them a room at a time so you don't get overwhelmed with pictures.
That and I still have some rooms to be completed. Time. I need time.
But I'll start with some pictures of probably my favorite room in the house. I painted this room myself about 5 minutes after we closed on the house. I didn't want to wait.

And don't you love the dining room furniture? It was Chad's grandmothers and Chad and my father-in-law have worked for months trying to spiff it up for us. It was a labor of love on their part, and I'm thankful for it. And I know it means a lot to my father-in-law that we keep it in the family.

Instead of window treatments have you thought about dark wood blinds or a pelmet box? Both would allow you to still let all of the light in and dress it up a little. And still see the molding. Blinds would obviously let you have more privacy if needed, too.