Anyone with kids around them know exactly what those little gems are.
Silly Bands.

Colored rubber bands in a variety of shapes that kids collect, trade and share with their friends. Chad and I got the lowdown on silly bands once we started teaching 2nd and 3rd grade Sunday school. Some of those kids have forearms full of those things. It's ridiculous.
But anyway, the silly band I saw was a pink pick-up truck. And while Chad's pick-up truck isn't pick, I knew he'd dig it.
And I decided to send a cryptic email to Chad telling him:
"I'm bringing you home something special. It's a surprise. It didn't cost me any money. It's smaller than a bread box. "
Chad, who is like a kid and LOVES to be surprised, of course emails back instantly begging me to tell him what it is. And I know he probably sped home from the office that afternoon awaiting his surprise gift. And all it was was this silly little pick truck silly band. But he had the biggest smile on his face, and he put it on instantly and has worn it day and night every day since.
... until last night. For, whatever reason, he decided to take it off. And it snapped. The guttural cry he let out sounded like a wounded animal. His lone silly band had met it's end. He asked me right away to get him a new one. But I'm not sure it will have the same effect. It was a chance find followed by an impulse gift. You just can't replicate those things!
So rest in peace, pink pick-up silly band. You were special to us.
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