My brother gets married tomorrow night.

My little brother, Mike. We were born two years - almost to to the day - apart. We even looked so much alike that as children, people always thought we were twins. My mom jokes that we've been best friends since birth. We never went anywhere without each other. I was the loud mouth big sister; he was the more quiet, introspective baby brother. I knew he was more shy as a child, so I took the liberty of talking for him most of the time. In fact, it was so bad that once I went off to school and someone would ask him a question, he would look around for me to answer.
Growing up, we were always the best of friends. His friends were my friends, and vice versa. We did everything together. Listened to the same music, liked the same foods, had the same interests. He is the most kind, compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent, caring, hilarious, creative and wonderful person you'll meet. And he's patient! The same patience he's had to learn by having me as a sister translated to him spending his time in college -while busy keeping highest grades at one of the top design schools in the country - working with young people with autism. He's just an incredible person. I could brag on him all day long.
After I went off to college, another - more important - person entered his life. Miss Molly. I loved her the moment I met her, and haven't stopped since. They've been sweethearts since she was too young to drive. Seven years they've been together, I believe. I've watched her grow up.

I love Mol in her own right. She is actually one of my very best friends. In fact, I often I have to remind myself that she is my brother's soon-to-be wife... not just my girlfriend. She is like a sister to me in ever sense of the word. Molly enjoys spending her time with children - and also has patience in spades since she works as a pre-K teacher with underserved children. In fact, there will be children of all sorts around for the wedding. You know how some people want "no children" at their weddings? I actually think M&M might prefer "all children" at theirs! On their ceremony programs, she lists her flowergirl and ringbearer as "little friends of the bride." She is kind, honest, patience, smart, sensitive and loving. So for all those things - I love her as a person. But I love her as a sister because I know she absolutely adores and treasures all those little things in Mike that we find so amazing. She sees him the same way we do.

They get each other.

So tomorrow I get to stand up with them as their matron of honor - and honor it truly, truly is - and see them promise to love and treasure each other for the rest of their lives.
And I can't wait.
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