So anyways, for those of you who know my mom - the woman is a domestic diva... especially in the

I had major anxiety throughout my college, post-college life worrying that I would never be close to as good of a cook as my mom. Talk about pressure.
Well a good, wise, knowing husband probably would have kept this little tidbit to themselves, but mine is not one that holds back. So this is a conversation that we had shortly after we got married:
Chad: "A guy at work today asked me if you were a good cook."
Me: "Well, what did you tell him?"
Chad: "I told him your mom is a GREAT cook. And you're learning."
Wrong answer buddy. But it was probably for the best. I took it as a challenge to prove my own culinary prowess. Fast forward to last night:
Me: "Do you think I'm a good cook?"
Chad: "Yes."
Me: "Better than when we first got married?"
Chad: "You were on a linear path and now you're growing exponentially."
Then he said something about my cooking being to the tenth degree and I stopped listening because I don't like math - and math analogies make no sense to me. I do that a lot with Chad - he starts to answer things on my level and then starts adding in all this crazy talk I don't understand so I drown him out by singing little songs in my head. But sometimes I'm nice and tell him, "You can stop talking now. I have no clue what you're saying anymore."
So back to my domesticity: either I really am getting good, or Chad has learned the art of pacification lies. And yes, I just made that phrase up.
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