How I feel about being pregnant: Excited to be at the double-digit number of 10 weeks. That itself seems like an accomplishment. I'm a quarter of the way there!
Symptoms: My best buddy nausea has not left my side! With it and the heartburn, I've also noticed from my neck to my lower back is frequently achy and tingling almost. Not sure if that is pregnancy related or not... but a funny symptom nonetheless!
Food Cravings: I ate a pound of strawberries in one sitting. So yeah, baby loves fruits still. What I'm most excited about: 10 weeks, 10 weeks, 10 weeks! Two more weeks and hopefully I'll be out of the "danger-zone" of miscarriage.
Something sweet your daddy did for me: Not really sweet for me necessarily, but this is the first week Chad started really expressing excitement over having a little baby around. I think he was nervous at the beginning, but is now starting to sink in that this is really happening!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Started looking at nursery ideas! This could obviously change when we know the sex for sure, but for now I think I want to do grey and yellow (with rose accents for girl or blue accents for boy)
Funny moment: Nausea was a pain in my butt this week... I couldn't find much to laugh about.
Special moment: Celebrating the birthday of a dear friend - and laughing because the room was full of pregnant women or recent mothers. Even though I felt sick and uncomfortable, it was good to be around a bunch of girls that knew exactly how you were feeling. Girl power!
Love reading all of your weekly recaps! And I love yellow & gray for the nursery! Those were my wedding colors :)