I got into the early Valentine's spirit this weekend by making my love some homemade sugar cookies with royal icing... just as he requested. They were delicious ... and cute!

But the REAL present was today. We had a doctor's appointment + ultrasound today and got to see and hear our little wiggle worm moving all over the place.
The moment the ultrasound tech put that wand on my tummy... WAM, you could see the lil' hoppa hoppin' all over the place. It was putting on a little Valentine's performance just for us.
Unfortunately the ultrasound tech had a job to do... not just enjoy the show... so she was having to jab and shake my stomach to get the little one to move in the right position for measurements. My baby succeeded in only allowing her to take two instead of three... which the tech said was justtttt fine. I think it wore her out!
But we got lots of pictures and got to see the baby's sweet head, tummy, arms, legs, jaw, cheekbones and both hemispheres of the brain. The ultrasound tech and doctor said everything looks great. Baby is measuring 12 weeks, 3 days today (which is consistent with my IUI date.)
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