Girls names were easier for us; there were plenty we really liked. Almost too many, in fact. But we had a hard time coming to a consensus on a little boy's name. That was until we GOT it. Then we were so much more sure of our boy's name than we were on a girl's name.
We wanted a name that had meaning to us.
Something we both 100% loved... not one we got the other to just "agree" to.
A family name.
A strong name.
A name that would work just as well for a sweet little boy, as it would for a grown man.
A name that we wouldn't get sick of.
Nothing trendy.
Lucky for us, we already have a beautiful name in our home.
Chadwick Jonathan Barnhill.
My husband has a beautiful name. I've always loved it. We both smiled at the idea of passing down a father's name to his son. But we wanted them to be different. I didn't want to call little man Chad as well... too confusing. And Jonathan or John, while great names, just didn't strike either of us as the right nickname. So we thought some more... both of us have always loved the name, Jack. It's a great boy's and man's name. So, we figured, why not just call our little CJB, Jr. "Jack" for short. Though not the most common nickname, I figured Jonathan -> John -> Jack. And the "ck" in Chadwick also carries over nicely.
It just works for us. We love it. Baby Jack. Our little Jack.
We've already gotten used to it. We talk to Jack using his name all the time. We never really say "the baby." It's, "I'm ready for Jack to be here." Or, "I'm thinking about this for Jack's nursery." Or, "Oh my GOSH Jack will.not.stop.moving. in my stomach." (which is what I'm thinking right this second!)
So there it is. Our firstborn's name.
Jack, we're ready for you, son!
Yay baby Jack! I also love using family names and absolutely love the name Jack! So glad that you shared with the blogworld :)