That said, let's recap!
We had a really, really nice weekend. Friday night, Chad and I had a good ol' fashioned date night at our favorite restaurant in Raleigh. The executive chef is a dear friend of ours and was wonderful to come assist us with our food choices throughout the evening. The standout (for both of us, I'd say) was our appetizers... we had Chef James' curried corn soup which was honestly the best soup I've had in my life, along with chick-pea crusted oysters... which were perfectly cooked and super fresh.
Saturday, we got up early to head to the farmer's market for some breakfast and shopping. We bought some delicious goodies at the market - fresh basil, red potatoes and, of course, the first crop of sweet white corn of the season. That night we had my parents, Mike, Molly and baby Jamesy come over for a "summer + James' 3rd month celebration." We made a heavenly frogmore stew that night - crab legs, shrimp, corn, onion, potatoes boiled in water, beer, lemon juice and lots and lots of Old Bay.
James enjoyed getting strapped in his Moby with his daddy and couldn't keep his eyes off all the food! Now, eating this feast with a baby strapped to your chest is no easy feat - as Mike will attest. He had to lean to the side each time he took a bite so juices, cocktail sauce and butter wouldn't fall on baby's head. It was definitely entertaining - if nothing else.
This little guy and his chunky little legs seriously has my heart. And his mama and daddy aren't too bad either. ;) I feel so blessed that Chad and I have some built in "friends" within our family. We always have the best time with them.
Sunday, we had church and KidCity - and then went to a surprise birthday get-together for one of my best friends... which was a blast (and a definite surprise to the birthday girl!). After that, we hit the road to Charlotte.
The hotel we stayed at was super nice - and we were right in the middle of the city. I worked from the hotel during the day, and Chaddy and I would walk to dinner each night and then walked around uptown after we ate (since it's becoming increasingly uncomfortable for me to sit or lay with a full stomach.)
But, by far the best part of the trip was getting to see two of my really close girlfriends.
Monday I had a great lunch with Amy - and got to enjoy comparing pregnancy stories together... all the more fun since our little ones are only about a week apart. It has been so nice to have someone who is going through all the same things I am at the same time. She looks absolutely glowing and beautiful and I'm so excited for her baby girl to get here!
Then on Tuesday, I got to see my sweet Laura - who has held her own special little place in my heart since our college days. I took one look at her and almost burst out crying because I forgot how much I missed her. There are just certain people you meet in your life and you feel like no matter how much time passes, or how far away you live from each other, that you will always have this bond. I told Chad it was sad that Laura had to go back to work after our lunch because I honestly think we could have sat there talking until midnight. But I'm already going to force her to make a special Raleigh trip once baby J arrives so he (and I) can get some Laura time.
Chad and I headed home last night, and while we appreciated the getaway, we were SO happy to be back sleeping in our own beds.
As for a pregnancy update:
1) I've thought I had heartburn once or twice. Ummm, I obviously didn't. Because starting yesterday there is no mistaking the distinct feeling that my esophagus is on FIRE.
2) And speaking about being on fire - today is the first day that I have finally grasped the whole "Omg, I'm SO sorry you're going to be super pregnant over the summer" comment I've gotten about 390093249032 times. It is miserably HOT outside.
3) Baby J's new trick includes trying to wedge his foot up under my ribs. Needless to say, I hope he gets bored with it soon.
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