Baby Size: avocado --- yum!
How I feel about being pregnant: I've had another great week of feeling well. I have so much anticipation for the coming weeks as the baby gets bigger and we'll have more milestones - finding out the sex, feeling the baby's movements, etc. It's a really exciting time that has made the 14+ weeks of nausea completely worth it!
Symptoms: Still feeling great! Lots of little cramps which reminds me that the baby is growing super fast!
Food Cravings: No real cravings this week... eating like normal.
What I'm most excited about: Finding out the sex in a little over a week - Hard to believe!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Daddy and I spent Saturday afternoon organizing the room we selected as your nursery. We had a bunch of random stuff in boxes in that room from the move (it was sort of our catch-all room), but we made a LOT of progress in there! Just a few little things left to move. Then, hopefully in two weeks we can start decorating!
Special moment: Getting to hear the baby's heartbeat on Monday, definitely. I love this little one so much already and cannot wait for August to be here!
...and here's my 6 week, 6 day bump picture from yesterday! Sorry for the squinting --- it was a bit bright out!

Congratulations!! I am 16 weeks too! Due on 28th Aug. It was wonderful to hear the baby's heartbeat! I finally felt like I was pregnant! Good luck with yours! ♥